Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Mustard Seed in Madrid

This blog comes to you from 30,000 feet in the air at cruising altitude above the Atlantic Ocean, seat 36 L to be exact. I started out flying from DC to JFK in New York, then after a mildly excruciating 6 hour layover, I can now say the next stop is Madrid. (Okay, I sat at the bar for about 2 hours so the layover wasn't that bad) but I am so excited to get there!

So here are some of my thoughts on my upcoming adventure:  First of all, I hope I am a decent English teacher for Malco. I haven't actually taught before but I did take a class on teaching English as a second language so that kinda counts, right? I'm not too worried about getting along with the family as a whole or them liking me, because what's not to love? ;) I'd like to think I'm a pretty easy going person and not too much of a high maintenance girl. Second, I hope I can personally improve my own Spanish skills by living with my host family. Also I would like to possibly figure out if teaching is a good career track for me. In the least I'd like to have a better idea of the career track I want to pursue after this time in Spain.

Finally, on my way to the airport my mommy gave me a lovely going away present which included some stationary to send letters, a daily devotional book, and a beautiful necklace of hers that was given to her by her mom when she was my age. The necklace is a gold chain with a small circular pendant that is clear with a mustard seed inside of it. Why a mustard seed? Well if you turn it over there is inscribed a verse from Matthew 17 which says, "If ye has faith as a mustard seed... Nothing shall be impossible unto you." Meaning that all I need is the smallest amount of faith in God (mustard seeds are super tiny), and trust that He has a beautiful plan for my life, and I will be able to do anything. It's a beautiful promise and it is a huge encouragement as I begin this next chapter of my life. So, thank you Mom! And thank you everyone for reading this far into my blog. Hopefully I will be able to share some amazing things with you over the next 12 months! 

Hasta luego!

Catalina xx

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