Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ah Spain...

You know that feeling you get when you go weeks, months or even years without seeing someone you really care about then all of a sudden the day arrives when you finally are reunited and it just feels so good? That's how I've felt over the past 3 weeks since I have returned to Spain. Life over here, for me, just feels so natural. I will get more specific in later posts but just know that I'm thoroughly enjoying my time here so far.

So, there's someone I want you to meet.

He's very important to me.

It was definitely love at first site.

He's my best friend already.

I love hanging out with him.

And, I've officially been confirmed as his "novia" <3

Meet.... MALCO!!

He's the best 8 year old boy I've ever encountered. He's so smart and silly, and funny, and nice and I can't get enough of him. We do just about everything together. After he gets home from school I usually go over his homework with him and help/teach him his English work. After that we go play all the while I am only speaking to him in English and try to make him only speak to me in English as well. Usually we play some form of soccer whether it's outside with goal posts on a court, in the backyard, inside, video game, or with stuffed animals. We've been pretty creative. Lately he's also been pretty obsessed with building forts inside the house too. Check this one out:

If you can't already tell, this isn't real life, and this definitely isn't considered a job to me because I'm having way too much fun. I love it! 

I don't think my description of Malco can even do him any justice so please just enjoy the following video :) 



Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Mustard Seed in Madrid

This blog comes to you from 30,000 feet in the air at cruising altitude above the Atlantic Ocean, seat 36 L to be exact. I started out flying from DC to JFK in New York, then after a mildly excruciating 6 hour layover, I can now say the next stop is Madrid. (Okay, I sat at the bar for about 2 hours so the layover wasn't that bad) but I am so excited to get there!

So here are some of my thoughts on my upcoming adventure:  First of all, I hope I am a decent English teacher for Malco. I haven't actually taught before but I did take a class on teaching English as a second language so that kinda counts, right? I'm not too worried about getting along with the family as a whole or them liking me, because what's not to love? ;) I'd like to think I'm a pretty easy going person and not too much of a high maintenance girl. Second, I hope I can personally improve my own Spanish skills by living with my host family. Also I would like to possibly figure out if teaching is a good career track for me. In the least I'd like to have a better idea of the career track I want to pursue after this time in Spain.

Finally, on my way to the airport my mommy gave me a lovely going away present which included some stationary to send letters, a daily devotional book, and a beautiful necklace of hers that was given to her by her mom when she was my age. The necklace is a gold chain with a small circular pendant that is clear with a mustard seed inside of it. Why a mustard seed? Well if you turn it over there is inscribed a verse from Matthew 17 which says, "If ye has faith as a mustard seed... Nothing shall be impossible unto you." Meaning that all I need is the smallest amount of faith in God (mustard seeds are super tiny), and trust that He has a beautiful plan for my life, and I will be able to do anything. It's a beautiful promise and it is a huge encouragement as I begin this next chapter of my life. So, thank you Mom! And thank you everyone for reading this far into my blog. Hopefully I will be able to share some amazing things with you over the next 12 months! 

Hasta luego!

Catalina xx