Sunday, March 6, 2011

My School(s)

Universidad De Sevilla

Now that I've got a less crazy schedule and a free weekend, I'm going to fill you in more about my new life. As you already know, I arrived here on February 4. From February 7- 25 was the "intensive period" at my school where I took one grammar class for three weeks, Monday through Friday, for four hours each day. Now that class has finished (thank goodness!) and I have recently started all new classes this past week. Now I'm taking a total of five classes but they're spread out over the week so it's less stressful in my opinion. So far Tuesday is the only day of the week where I'm ready to take a bullet to the head by the end of it. I have all five classes on Tuesday spanning from 9:00 am til 7:00 pm. Whoever created coffee was brilliant because I live on it for that day. Here are the classes I'm taking:

  • Present Day Spanish Usage
  • Great Works of Spanish Literature
  • Cultural Realities of Spain
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • Current Spain (taken at the University of Seville)

It's quite a large course-load but I'm very interested in all of the topics so I don't mind. My most difficult class is the one at the University. It's a fifth year history course… College is supposed to be 4 years, do the math. So it's obviously for advanced history students, which I would consider myself being one. Since it's so challenging, I think it's also my favorite course. I like challenges J My literature class is a close second place for the same reason.

The professors at the Center are all excellent. There is plenty of interaction between students and professor in all of my classes. Also class sizes are the smallest I've ever had. Class sizes range from 9- 15 for ALL my classes in the Center. My university class has about 40 students but it's also a lecture style and very different from the courses I'm taking at the Center. Next, I'm going to tell you about my homework and studying. This is your warning, the following is not going to sound like I'm writing it… but I assure you that it really is Caitlin.

Here it goes… I love homework! I think that until you're in a similar situation to the one I'm in right now, it's very difficult to see the benefits of homework. Since being here, I've seen fast results in everything I've worked on. My vocabulary has grown, my accent has improved, my grammar has improved (slightly), and I've gained confidence in using Spanish for my everyday life. It's like being on a diet and immediately losing weight. I do my homework then next day I can apply the things I've practiced. People always said that being immersed in a foreign language is the best way to learn one. It's true. I'm definitely not fluent after a month. I don't even know if I will be after five months. But I know that I will be exponentially better than I was when I arrived. I hope that you all can understand what I'm trying to say, or at least notice the amount of passion I now have for studying abroad.

Ahh, I love my Spanish life.

Caitlin xx

1 comment:

  1. Me alegro que estés aprendiendo tanto y que tengas tanta pasión por lo que estás estudiando. Será interesante leer sobre tus aventuras por el resto del semestre.
