(Side note: I accidentally misspelled "blog" while saving this entry on my blackberry, but when I went back to correct it I actually thought it was the more appropriate spelling for this entry, Enjoy!)
I just got the sudden urge to blog so that's what I'm going to do... I'm sitting outside Universidad de Sevilla, just finished eating my lunch, and I'm waiting for my history class to start in 20 minutes. Today is the first day it hasn't rained in forever it seems, almost a week or something, so although it's a bit chilly I'm still going to sit outside in shorts and my hoodie to absorb this non-wet weather. I think another reason for this blog motivation comes from my iPod. I tend to be motivated when I mix solitude with Mumford & Sons.
Let me just say that this past weekend did NOT go as I had hoped. Two weeks ago I bought tickets for the Sevilla FC vs. Barcelona soccer game and it was my biggest motivation to make it through last week's classes. Rain or shine I was determined to see that game. Well it didn't rain on game-day, but I did wake up on Sunday morning feeling like complete misery. My stomach felt funny and I just knew something wasn't right. Come 2pm, with the toilet bowl as my witness, something definitely wasn't right... But the game was in 6 hours!! I immediately started to down as much water as possible to try and "wash it" out of my system. However, as fast as it went down it also came right back up, almost simultaneous with the arrival of my friend's text saying "Ready to go?" Nonetheless I washed up, changed and headed out because I was NOT going to miss this game.
The stadium was everything glorious that I had imagined it to be. There were so many fans everywhere, for both teams, and it was really loud wherever you went too. Cheers, chants, songs. Spanish fútbol fans are intense about this sport. It was amazing! (USA definitely needs to up it's fan count for soccer... but that's another discussion) Luckily I got to take a few pictures and see all the big names on the pitch; Lionel Messi, David Villa, Gerard Piqué, and Víctor Valdéz, just to name a few. Unfortunately I was counting down the minutes til halftime when I would be able to head back to my bed and sleep off my misery. I dreamed all week of seeing Sevilla score on the "#1" team in the world... Of course, that is exactly what happened in the 2nd half after I left. Sevilla and Barca tied 1-1 and I heard from all my friends that the stadium went crazy for Sevilla's goal... And that right there is my biggest regret this semester.

Proof that I made it to the game...
Thankfully I'm fine now. It was a 24 hour bug and of course it picked the perfect day. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to go to another game :)
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