Wow it's been awhile since I've posted, I apologize. Sad part is that I feel like I haven't done anything too exciting since my last post. I guess I mean nothing too exciting compared to my new standard of living, I'm not sure what you all will think. But if you're reading this I'm sure you'd like to know... Okay so what have I done since Granada...
The night I got back from that trip I went to a party at my intercambio's house. Let me rewind though. I have an intercambio and his name is Daniel :) He's the best. I love hanging out with him. An intercambio is a speaking partner. He's trying to learn English while I'm trying to learn Spanish so we meet every week and talk to practice each other's languages. It's awesome. So far we've met every week since I've been here and we've become great friends. So this weekend I went to his flat in Sevilla and we had a party:
Daniel & I
The party crowd
Such a fun night
Us, again.
In a bar we visited after leaving his flat
Let's see what else have I done recently... A friend of mine who was living the residencia with us had to leave to go back home to Mexico so we all went out in a big group to say our adios to him. We went to a botellón with him in Plaza San Salvadore which is a pretty popular place to do this. Botellón is very popular over here in Spain among young people. You might be asking, What is botellón? What usually happens is that lots of people, I mean hundreds to thousands, will meet in a location where everyone brings their own alcohol to drink in a public place and just hang out until it's all finished and then from there they'll go to bars or discotecas to keep the party going. I know, it's insane. When I first encountered this activity I was shocked. Isn't this completely illegal? Am I going to get arrested for drinking in public? News flash: Yes it is illegal (from what I've heard) BUT this is España, no te preocupes. No pasa nada! This is the mindset of this country. It's completely laid back... The next worry I had was, isn't something bad going to happen, like a fight will break out, etc... Nope. Everyone is just here to socialize and relax, there has been absolutely no tension in any of the botellóns that I've seen; it's kinda awesome. It's difficult to describe this activity if you've never experienced anything like it. The closest thing I can compare it to is maybe Quadfest at Radford or any typical college party weekend; except minus the drunken fights and strict cops waiting around to hand out tickets. The biggest one I went to had atleast 5,000 people there, this one probably had about 500. It's hard to see but take notice of the amount of people in the background:

Laura, Mariana, & ME

El grupo

After drinking some of that bottle...
Hope you enjoyed my adventures from the past week :)
Hasta la vista!
Catalina xx